Saturday, January 9, 2010

Potd & Scrapbook Kit Club!

Since the first was a holiday I totally forgot to put up my Scrapbook Kit Club lo's!  There are two more if you scroll down, for different Sketchy Thursday lo's!  I LOVED this kit, and I know I say that every month but the colors in this one are just right up my alley and I love the whimsy of the jolly by golly line!

A trip to get my hair cut always means a trip to grandma's for us!


  1. Beautiful layouts! I love the Grandma's House layout! It matches the paper perfectly!

  2. Gotta love new haircuts and gramdmas!

  3. Great idea to photograph her house and the kids with her - something they will enjoy looking back on down the road.

  4. I need to get pictures of my kids with their grandparents! Great shot! Those will make wonderful memories!
